Friday, April 3, 2020

WI Latest Primary Change

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers (D) announced he wants to Postpone his State's Tuesday, April 7th Election.

He called the State Legislature into a Special Session on Saturday, April 4th, to take up Legislation that would Avoid In-Person Voting and Create an All-Mail Election with a Deadline of May 26th to Return Ballots.

The Republican-led Legislature has previously Rejected a Call from Evers to Send Ballots to every Voter who hadn't already Requested One.

"I worked with the legislators several weeks ago, in talking about this exact same thing ... They weren't interested, I believe they will be now," Evers said at a News Conference Friday. "We are looking forward to having a great conversation with the legislature." Evers hinted that he might go further if Republicans Rebuff his Plan at the 4 p.m. Saturday Session. “If they take no action, we’ll be looking at whatever action we can take," he said. “We will continue to find ways to make sure Wisconsinites are safe, and that’s the bottom line.”

In a statement after the Press Conference, State GOP Legislative Leaders Rejected Evers' Call. “Hundreds of thousands of workers are going to their jobs every day, serving in essential roles in our society," State House Speaker Robin Vos (R-25th District) and State Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R-13th District) said in a Statement. "There’s no question that an election is just as important as getting take-out food. Our Republic must continue to function, and the many local government positions on the ballot must be filled so that municipalities can swiftly respond to the crisis at hand. We continue to support what Governor Evers has supported for weeks: the election should continue as planned on Tuesday.”

Their Decision Increases the Likelihood of In-Person Voting on Tuesday, a Prospect that is Terrifying some Wisconsin Leaders because of the Public Health Risk.

POLITICO Reported on Thursday that Democrats were seething over Evers' Handling of the Primary amid the Coronavirus Pandemic. They said he Failed to Fully Exercise his Powers as Governor, including by Not Calling a Special Session and Not joining in State Lawsuits attempting to Delay the Election. The Governor's Office this week did become Engaged when the Legal Action moved to Federal Court.

A Federal Judge provided some Relief on Thursday while Refusing to Move the Primary. U.S. District Judge William Conley extended the Deadline by One day to Request Absentee Ballots and Allowed Voters Six additional Days after Election Day to Return them. But in his remarks, Conley Castigated the State Legislature and Evers for Not doing more Earlier.

Evers' Office as recently as Thursday stood Firm on Holding the Election on Tuesday, while urging as many People as possible to Vote by Mail. That Position was in Conflict with most Wisconsin Democrats, including the State Party.

It's unclear what the Republican-led Legislature will do on Saturday. When Evers convened a Special Session on another Issue previously, Republicans Gaveled In and Out without taking any Action.


A Judge ruled that Absentee Ballots can be received until April 13th.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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