Saturday, April 25, 2020

VA's May and June Elections Postponed

On April 12th, 2020, Governor Ralph Northam (D), signed HB1/SB111 into Law, established No-Excuse Absentee Voting 45 days Prior to an Election. The Legislation was set to take Effect in the November 3rd, 2020 election. On the same day, Northam also signed HB238/SB455, providing for Absentee Ballots Postmarked on or before the Date of an Election to be Counted if Received by Noon on the Third day after the Election.]

Then Northam is Postponing upcoming Elections in the Commonwealth by Two weeks. Special Elections Scheduled in 56 Localities across the State are Postponed from May 5th to May 19th. June's Primary Elections have been moved from June 9th to June 23rd.

"Virginians should never have to choose between casting a ballot and risking their health," Northam said. "I am grateful to the House of Delegates for taking action to move our upcoming elections, but unfortunately the Senate failed to make the same commonsense decision. While we strongly encourage every Virginian who can vote by mail to do so, we will also take every necessary step to conduct these elections in a way that ensures in-person voting is done safely and responsibly."

Virginians whose Locality is having an Election on May 19th are Encouraged to Vote Absentee by Mail. The Department of Elections recommends voters who Request an Absentee Ballot use the Reason Code for having a Disability or an Illness. Voters can Request Online that an Absentee Ballot be Mailed to them by Visiting or by Downloading and Printing a Request Form. Absentee Ballots Returned by Mail must be Received by the Local General Registrar by 7:00p.m. on May 19th.

"This is the most challenging time in election administration that any of us have ever lived through," Allison J. Robbins, President of the Voter Registrars Association of Virginia, said. "Registrars across Virginia are committed to ensuring that every election official feels protected while performing their duties on Election Day. Registrars are equally committed to ensuring the safety and security of all voters and ensuring that voters can cast their ballots with confidence that they will be counted."

Virginia Judge, W. Reilly Marchant, issued an Order Reducing the Petition Signature Requirement for the Republican Primary Candidates for the U.S. Senate to 3,500. The Statutory Minimum was 10,000. The Petition Deadline for Independent Candidates for Non-Presidential Office was Extended to June 23, 2020.

The Republican Congressional Committees for Virginia's 5th and 7th Congressional Districts Voted to Postpone their Conventions, originally Scheduled for April 25th, 2020, Indefinitely.

Judge, Bradley B. Cavedo, of Virginia's 13th Judicial Circuit, Extended the Deadline for the Republican Party of Virginia to Select its Nominee for the 7th Congressional District Election to July 28th, 2020.

Susan Swecker, Chairwoman of the Democratic Party of Virginia, announced that the Party would conduct its State Convention, Scheduled to take place on June 20th, 2020, to be conducted Remotely on that day.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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