Monday, April 6, 2020

Four AZ Ballot Measure Campaigns Seek Approval to Collect Signatures Electronically

Four Arizona Ballot Initiative Campaigns filed a Petition April 2nd asking the Arizona Supreme Court to allow them to gather Signatures through E-Qual, the State's Online Signature Collection Platform, during the Coronavirus Pandemic. E-Qual is currently available for Federal, Statewide, and Legislative Candidates in Arizona, but Not Ballot Initiatives.

The Campaigns’ Legal Petition stated, "The Novel Coronavirus 2019 (“COVID-19”) pandemic changed, quite literally, everything. ... Although this new reality is essential for public health, it is catastrophic to the Initiative Proponents’ exercise of their fundamental constitutional right. ... In short, signature gathering will halt, and the Initiative Proponents’ hard work and investment is in jeopardy. ... This Petition presents an important legal question of first impression: whether the fundamental constitutional rights of the Initiative Proponents are violated by their exclusion from an online petition signature gathering system maintained by the Secretary in the middle of a public health emergency that severely limits (or outright bars) their ability to otherwise collect initiative petition signatures.”

The Four Ballot Initiative Campaigns that filed the Petition are:

- Arizonans for Second Chances, Rehabilitation, and Public Safety, which is behind the Criminal Justice Procedures for Offenses Defined as Non-Dangerous Initiative.

- Smart and Safe Arizona, which is behind the Marijuana Legalization Initiative.

- Invest in Education, which is behind the Tax on Incomes Exceeding $250,000 for Teacher Salaries and Schools Initiative.

- Save Our Schools Arizona, which is behind the Limits on Private Education Vouchers Initiative.

The Arizona Republic reported that the Office of Secretary of State Katie Hobbs (D), who was named as the Defendant, was Reviewing the Petition and did Not Comment as of April 5th.

At least 15 Statewide Ballot Initiative Campaigns in Eight States had Suspended their Signature Drives by April 2nd due to the Coronavirus Pandemic.

No States currently allow Ballot Initiative Campaigns to Collect Signatures Electronically.


From Richard Winger of Ballot Access News: On April 21st, the Proponents of Two Arizona Statewide Initiatives filed an Appeal in Arizonans for Fair Elections v Hobbs, the Case over whether Arizona should Permit Initiative Campaigns to gather Electronic Signatures. U.S. District Court Judge, Dominic Lanza, a Trump Appointee, had Rejected their Case.

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