Ex-NAACP Leader, Kweisi Mfume (D) easily Won a Maryland Special Election, April 28th, to Finish the Term of the late Elijah Cummings, retaking a Maryland's 7th Congressional Seat (Baltimore) Mfume held for Five Terms before leaving to Lead the NAACP. Mfume Defeated Kimberly Klacik (R) in the Heavily Democratic District.
Maryland opened just Three Polling Stations Tuesday and sent Ballots weeks in advance to encourage Mail Voting because of the Coronavirus Pandemic.
Democrats Outnumber Republicans by more than 4-1 in the Majority-Black District, which includes a significant portion of the City of Baltimore and parts of Baltimore and Howard Counties. The Diverse District includes areas of Baltimore that struggle with Poverty and Violent Crime, as well as more Affluent areas and Landmarks such as Johns Hopkins Hospital. Mfume captured an Overwhelming number of Votes in the City and Strong Majorities in both Howard and Baltimore Counties.
For her part, Klacik tweeted: “That one time when hard work didn’t pay off. Perhaps one day District 7 will want a change. Proud of my team & the work we put in. We will continue to wait for the final results.”
Mfume supports Stronger Gun-Control Measures, including Reauthorizing a Federal Assault Weapons Ban that Expired in 2005. Baltimore had 348 homicides last year, the Fifth straight year topping 300, making it the City’s most Violent year ever Per Capita. Mfume also is focusing on the Root Causes of Crime, including the Inability of Young Adults to find Jobs, and Supports Apprenticeships to develop Employable Skills for Young People.
Mfume is to Serve the Rest of Cummings’ Term until January. Mfume, 71, will Run as an Incumbent in Maryland’s June Primary to be the Nominee for a Full Term in November General Election. Mfume held Five Terms from 1987 to 1996 and then Chaired the Baltimore based NAACP from 1996 until 2004.
The District includes an Area in Baltimore that had the State’s Highest Number of Reported Coronavirus Cases for weeks. Democratic Lawmakers sounded the Alarm over the Virus Killing African Americans at a Higher rate. Mfume, who spent years at the National Institutes of Health Council for Minority Health Disparities, called it frustrating the Black Community can’t Fight back as it wants: “It’s almost like being attacked by the virus and having someone tie your arm behind your back.”
In the June 2nd Primary, Mfume will face many of the same Opponents he Defeated in February to get on the Special Election Ballot.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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