Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The Fight for Open Primaries in Missouri

HB 1639, a Bill introduced by Rep. Jered Taylor (R-139th District), is making its way through the Missouri Legislature.

This Bill would Force Voters to Register into a Party 23 Weeks before the Primaries and Close the Primaries to Any Voter who did Not Pick a Party.

Even though Missourian Taxpayer Dollars pay for the Elections, Hundreds of Thousands of Voters would be Excluded from Participating.

Open Primaries and The People are Conducting a Campaign to Stop the Bill.

Open Primaries is Circulating an Online petition to the Rules Committee that Hundreds of Missouri Voters have Signed.

The People is Working with Missourians across the State to Write Letters to the Editor for their Local Newspapers, and to Send Postcards to the Rules Committee in Advance of their Return to the Capitol at the End of the Month.

Independent Voting has Joined the Effort with a Volunteer Team of Activists who are Calling into Districts where Members of the Rules Committee Live. If you would like to Join this Volunteer Team, email: Gwen Mandell.

Meanwhile, St. Louis Approves is Spearheading an Effort to Adopt Proposition D, which would establish an Open, Non-Partisan System for Elections to Citywide Offices. The Initiative combines Nonpartisan Voting with Approval Voting. St. Louis, a Majority Black City, is One of the few Major Cities that does Not have a Nonpartisan System of Governance.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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