Sunday, March 29, 2020

NY Lawmakers to Work and Vote Remotely

New York Lawmakers are set to apply Social Distancing to the Legislative Process. Democrats, who Control Both the State Senate and Assembly, are taking steps to Allow Remote Voting on Budget Bills amid the Ongoing Coronavirus Crisis.

Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins (D-35th District, Yonkers) said Saturday that Some of her Members will meet in the Capital before the weekend is out to “begin the process of passing budget bills this week as bills are ready.”

But the State Capitol Building, typically Overrun with Staffers and Sleep-Deprived Lawmakers in the days leading up to the April 1st Budget Deadline, will remain relatively quiet as Both Chambers eye Work-from-Home Options for Legislators.

“Throughout the week, our process will establish appropriate protocols involving social distancing, and tomorrow we will pass a resolution authorizing limited remote voting as necessary,” Stewart-Cousins said.

Many Assembly Members are wary of gathering at the Capitol as Four of their Colleagues have already Tested Positive for the potentially Deadly Respiratory Illness. Democrats, led by Speaker Carl Heastie (D-83rd District, Bronx), were slated to discuss the State Spending Plan Saturday Night via Video-Conference, Members said.

The idea of a Remote Budget Vote is Not all that far-fetched after Assembly Majority Leader Crystal Peoples-Stokes (D-141st District, Buffalo) introduced a Resolution last week that provided some Guidance for the Process.

Members, currently required to be in the Building to Vote, would be allowed to Remotely Submit Attendance, Debate Questions, and Vote via “Teleconference or Video-Conference.”

Gov. Cuomo (D), who has Vowed to include Policy Priorities such as Changes to Bail Reforms and Legal Weed in the Budget, has shown Little Sympathy for Legislators reluctant to Return to the Capitol amid the Public Health Crisis.

Last week, asked about the Budget being Passed on Time, the Governor said he saw No Reason why it should be Delayed. “Do your job,” was the Message he had for Lawmakers. “This is why you’re in government, this is why you’re here, if you don’t want to be here, you shouldn’t have run for elected office,” Cuomo said.

The Governor, citing a Potential $15 Billion Economic Hit due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, has Floated the Idea of a Flexible Fiscal Plan that would Allow his Administration to Adjust Spending throughout the year based on the Amount of Revenue the State brings in.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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