The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) continues to Beat Back the Trump Administration's never-ending Assaults by Securing One Courtroom Victory after Another. Of the 104 Lawsuits They have filed since Trump came into Office, they won 89% of the Cases that have been Resolved so far.
- The Manufacturer of the Highly Toxic Pesticide Chlorpyrifos says it will End Production by the end of 2020, following years of Pressure, including NRDC Litigation. This is a huge Victory for the Health of Farmers and Children in Agricultural Communities, and People across the Country.
- Following Legal Defeat after NRDC and Partners Sued, Trump's Department of Interior Disbanded its so-called International Wildlife Conservation Council, which was Stacked with Trophy Hunters and those with Ties to the NRA. Nearly Everyone on the Council had a Vested Interest in making it Easier to Hunt and Kill Imperiled Species like: Elephants, Giraffes, and Lions.
- A Federal Court stood with NRDC, Ruling against an Environmental Protection Agency Directive that effectively Banned many Independent Scientists from Serving on the Agency's Advisory Boards and Stacked the Deck in Favor of Polluters and other Industry Interests. It's a Major Victory for Good Science, Truth-based Governance, and Public Health.
- Following a Lawsuit filed by NRDC and its Partners, the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service Announced that it will Ban Mexican Imports of Shrimp and other Seafood caught within Critically Endangered Vaquita Porpoise Habitat in the Northern Gulf of California. The Decision puts further Pressure on the Mexican Government to Stop Fishermen from using Gillnets, which notoriously Entangle and Drown Vaquitas. Scientists believe only 10 Vaquitas Survive today, and they are that Close to the Brink of Extinction, but they can Recover if we Remove Gillnets from their Habitat.
- Working tirelessly alongside Fellow Plaintiffs to reach a Victory in Court that would Save Utah's Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments. The Trump Administration Stripped Protections from Millions of Acres of these Cherished Public Lands. This Case is more Important than ever as the Administration Charges ahead with Plans to Sacrifice more Public Lands to the Dirty Energy Industry and other Special Interests.
- Amid a Global Biodiversity Crisis, the Trump Administration continues to Bow to Pressure from the Oil and Gas Industry to Gut the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. With the Law on NRDC's side, the Court Case to Reverse the Trump Administration's Dangerous Rollback and Save Countless Birds.
- Suing to Challenge the Trump Administration's Decision to Gut the Clean Water Rule and Jeopardize the Sources of Drinking Water for One out of Every Three Americans. NRDC is Prepared to Sue any Time they Attack Critical clean Water Protections that have been in place for Decades.
NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
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