Monday, March 2, 2020

Fossil Fuel Industry in Green Mood

The Biggest Gap in Politics right now is Generational. This is a Two-Thirds Generation in a 50-50 Country.

Millennial's are much more reliably Progressive the the Country as a whole. Young People are Fearful, they have little Trust in Institutions, and they're dealing with High Levels of Stress and Anxiety. This has led to Generational Tension, especially around the Existential challenge of Climate Change.

Millennials and Gen-Zers have a Stronger Moral and Ethical Drive than their Elders, and they expect us to use our Values to Help force Companies to do the Right thing.

Some have:

Goldman Sachs - Promises to Stop Financing Arctic Oil Drilling and Thermal Coal Operations Anywhere.

BlackRock - The World's Largest Asset Manager, Announces the Company will begin to Move Away from Investments that Present a High Sustainability-Related Risk, such as Coal, but continuing to Invest in Oil and Gas, for now.

Microsoft - Announces that it aims to go Carbon Negative by 2030 and to Remove as much Carbon from the Atmosphere by 2050 as it has ever Emitted, Acknowledging that the Climate Crisis will require Technology that does not Exist Today.

BP - Vows to become Carbon Neutral by 2050, though Careful Analysis suggests it is using that Term in a quite Misleading way. In February, BP said it planned to Withdraw from the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers, the Western States Petroleum Association, and at least One more Trade Group, thought Not the American Petroleum Institute, which has often Fought Climate-Friendly Policies.

Delta - Pledges to Invest $1 Billion over the next Decade toward Projects that aim to Reduce Air Travel's Contribution to Climate Change. So far, the Airline has Not shared How.

Amazon - Founder and CEO, Jeff Bezos, posted a picture of the Earth on Instagram with a caption Announcing his Commitment to spend $10 Billion on Scientists, Activists, and NGOs, in any effort that offers a Real Possibility to Help Preserve and Protect the Natural World. Bezos, has Offered No Specifies on how the Money will be spent but says he will Start Issuing Grants this Summer.

JPMorgan Chase - Announces it will Cease Financing Oil Drilling in the Arctic and Curb Loans for Coal Mining following the Leak of an Internal Report suggesting Climate Change has put the Planet on an Unsustainable Trajectory.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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