Wednesday, March 25, 2020

AK Democrats Extend Mail-In Voting Window and Cancel In-Person Voting

The Alaska Democratic Party issued a Press Release announcing Changes to the April Party-Run Primary. Like Hawaii and Wyoming, gone is the In-Person Voting. And like those other Two, a Pre-Planned Mail-In Option is in place to fill the Void.

In Alaska, that Mail-In Option is being Enhanced.

Already Registered Democrats were Mailed a Ballot in March if they were Registered by February 19th. But now some Additional Accommodations have been Announced to buttress that Earlier Alternative.

- The Deadline to have Vote-by-Mail Ballots in to the Party is Extended to April 10th.

- Results will now be Announced on Saturday, April 11th, a week later than the Original Alaska Democratic Delegate Selection Plan.

- The State Party is also Posting Online a Downloadable PDF Ballot that Registered Democrats can use once they have Verified their Registration.

The Alaska Democratic Party punted on any Issues surrounding either the Mid-April House District Conventions and the May State Convention.

Those are still Technically Scheduled but the Timing and Process of each is being Reviewed.

State Convention Delegates Elected at the House District Conventions are the Only Ones Eligible to be National Convention Delegates of any Pledged Variety.

The State Party will have to Address how it will Work Around the Possibility that Any or All of those Meetings will have to be Canceled or held Remotely.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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