Friday, February 7, 2020

The Presidential Transition Enhancement Act

The House sent S.394, the Presidential Transition Enhancement Act, to President Trump’s Desk.

It Amends the Presidential Transition Act of 1963 to Improve the Orderly Transfer of the Executive Power during Presidential Transitions.

This Bipartisan Bill will make a Number of Important Changes to the Transition Process when a New President is Elected.

Most importantly, it will Strengthen the Ethics Requirements for Transition Team Members.

After this Bill is passed, Eligible Presidential Candidates will be Required to Implement and Enforce Ethics Plans during the Transition Period and make these Plans Publicly Available.

It means more Sunlight on the Process so that we, the American People, can know that the Members of the Transition Team are held to a Higher Standard, one befitting of Serving in such an Influential, Public Service Role.

During Trump's Transition, Vice President Pence, Cancelled All Ethics Training for the New Staff entering the White House.

Now you understand why his Initial Staff had so much Trouble with Violating so many Rules.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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