Saturday, February 22, 2020

NV Early Voting Creates Two Classes of Caucus Voters

The Nevada Democratic Early Caucus Voters, around 75,000, had to Select from 3 to 5 Candidates in Order of Preference. Over 1,000 Votes were Rejected because the Voter didn't Sign their Ballot. And many were Rejected because they only Voted for One Candidate and didn't Select NO for Two More Candidates.

But the Creation of Two Classes of Caucus Voters were Created with how they are Counted in the Two Rounds of Voting.

If you were Voting at the Caucus today, after your First Vote, there are Viable (15%+) and Non-Viable (-15%) Candidates. In the Second Round of Voting, the Voters for the Non-Viable Candidates can Pick Any Candidate, making a Non-Viable Candidate Viable or Adding to the Total of a Viable Candidate.

If you were an Early Voter, you do Not have those Options. If your First Candidate was Non-Viable, your Vote will be given to the Next Viable Candidate you Chose. But if you Chose No Other Viable Candidate, you Lost your Vote in the Second Round.

Another is the Ability for Early Voters to Pick from Three to Five Candidates, but at the Caucus, the Voter can only Pick Two.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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