The Pentagon wants to Move $3.8 Billion largely from Weapons System Accounts to Pay for the Planned Wall along the Southern Border.
The Feb. 13th Reprogramming Request to Congress would take nearly $1.5 Billion in Funding already Appropriated for the Air Force in 2020, including:
- $156 Million from Appropriated Advanced Procurement Funding for the F-35.
- $196 Million in Base Funding for C-130Js, resulting in the Reduction of Two Airframes.
- $169 Million in OCO Funding for C-130Js, resulting in the Reduction of Two more Airlifters.
- $160 Million from MQ-9 Procurement, resulting in the Reduction of Eight Aircraft.
- $180 Million from the Air Force’s Light Attack Experiment.
- $205 Million in “Miscellaneous Equipment” for the Air Force Reserve.
- $395 Million in “Miscellaneous Equipment” for the Air National Guard.
These funds would Break Out as $2.2 Billion from the Base Budget, plus $1.62 Billion in Funds Appropriated for Overseas Contingency Operations.
“This reprogramming action provides funding in support of higher priority items, based on unforeseen military requirements, … and is determined to be necessary in the national interest,” States the Request.
Outside of the Air Force, the Funding Shift would Reduce the Planned Purchase of Two F-35Bs, Two V-22s, and One P-8, along with $911 Million in Shipbuilding Funding for the Navy.
Many of the Programs that will take a Hit received Additional Funding from Congress above the Pentagon’s Original Budget Request.
The Shift follows a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Request to the Pentagon for Assistance “in the execution of projects to replace existing vehicle barriers or dilapidated pedestrian fencing with new pedestrian fencing, construct roads, and install lighting,” states the Request
Last Spring, the Pentagon Reprogrammed about $1.5 Billion in Fiscal 2019 Appropriated Funding, including: Procurement and Modifications to systems such as E-3 AWACS, Minuteman IIIs, and Air-Launched Cruise Missiles, among others.
Some of my background. I served in the AF from Nov. 1965 to Nov. 1971. in 1965 I was part of the Military Air Transport Service (MATS), and starting in 1966, it became the Military Airlift Command (MAC). We used C-130s and later C-141s.

Bottom row on right.
After Basic Training in Texas, I went to Computer School in Texas and took Computer Classes at the Air Force Academy.

I was Stationed at Moffett Federal Airfield located in an Unincorporated part of Santa Clara County, California, between Northern Mountain View and Northern Sunnyvale. My Office was Upstairs on the Right-Side of the Hanger, on the Left-Side, is The Ames Research Center, also known as NASA Ames.
Before leaving the AF, I was transferred to the McGuire AF Base in New Jersey.
I first was taught how to run a Warehouse, then told to help Automate it. I also helped Run the Night Inventory and Payroll Reports I developed. After I left, I went to work, in New York City for Burroughs, the Computer Company who supplied the Mini-Computers the AF used.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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