Thursday, January 30, 2020

New Candidate Enters 2020 Presidential Race

A New Series of Research Articles will be Published in Real Clear Politics Highlighting the Unity between Republicans, Independents, and Democrats. Yes, Unity. There is an Overwhelming Consensus across our Country that the Chief Struggle in America is Not between Republicans and Democrats, but instead between American Citizens and the Ruling Political Elites in Washington.

Years ago, the late Pat Caddell, a Gifted Political Strategist, Commissioned Polling to Research the Alienation of Americans from their Elected Leaders. His Research goes back to the 1980s, but Specifically, starting in 2013, Pat began Polling Americans about what they thought of Washington Dysfunction, and more Specifically, how a Fresh-Faced Citizen Politician who is Independent-Minded, Unconcerned about Reelection, and Unbeholden to Special Interests would fair in a Three-Way Race against the Political Elites of the Two Major Parties.

Pat gave this Hypothetical Citizen-Politician a Name, Mr. Smith, based on Thomas Jefferson Smith in the Iconic Movie Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. And so today, Smith Research gives Us an Insight to the Overwhelming Agreement among Americans that the Power of Ordinary People to Control their Country is getting Weaker every day as Political Elites and Special Interests on Both Sides Fight to Protect their Own Power and Privilege.

Though Pat is No Longer with Us, Smith Research Continues. If you are as Disgusted as I am with the Circus in Washington, and if you Agree that our Great Republic is being Torn Apart by the Political Rancor of Party Elites, Biased Media Outlets, and Special Interests who Divide to Distract Us from their Larceny, I highly Encourage you to Follow the Smith Series on Real Clear Politics.

But Caddell’s Research Lives On. Gregory (Greg) Orman, an American Politician, Entrepreneur, and Political Candidate, who I supported in his Races:

- As an Independent to Represent Kansas in the U.S. Senate in the 2014 Election, Earning 42.5% of the Vote but Losing to Incumbent U.S. Senator Pat Roberts.

- On January 24, 2018, Orman announced he would Run as an Independent for Governor of Kansas. In the November 6th General Election, he received approximately 6.5% of the Vote, more than the Victory Margin of Democrat Laura Kelly over Republican Kris Kobach.

He has taken On the Responsibility of Sponsoring the Smith Series on Real Clear Politics.

CLICK HERE to read the First Article.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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