Thursday, January 2, 2020

Julián Castro Drops Out of Presidential Race and Another Removes Campaign Staff

Julián Castro, the Former Mayor of San Antonio, Texas, who served as Housing Secretary under President Barack Obama, said Thursday, he is Suspending his Candidacy and Ending his Effort to become the Nation’s First Latino President.

“I’m so proud of the campaign we’ve run together,” Castro, 45, said in a Video released by his Campaign. “We’ve shaped the conversation on so many important issues in this race, stood up for the most vulnerable people and given a voice to those who are often forgotten.”

Castro, who did Not Qualify for the Past Two Democratic Debates because he Failed to Rank High enough in Pre-Debate Polls, noted in the Video that there was only a Month left before the Iowa Caucuses, which will be held Feb. 3rd.

“I have determined that it simply isn’t our time,” he said. “To all who have been inspired by our campaign, especially our young people, keep reaching for your dreams — and keep fighting for what you believe in.”

Throughout his Campaign, Castro cultivated a Reputation as a Liberal Democrat who focused his attention on the Poor and other Marginalized Communities. His First Trip after announcing his Candidacy was to Puerto Rico, and he notably called for Decriminalizing the Act of Crossing the Border without Legal Permission.

Castro’s exit also means he is the latest Candidate of Color to leave a Democratic Field that had started out as Historically Diverse.

“I’m not interested in changing the rules of the game in the middle of the game,” Castro said at a December Town Hall in Des Moines, Iowa. “What I am interested in is changing for the future.” The Democratic National Committee should rethink its Procedures, he added.

Best-Selling Author Marianne Williamson has Laid Off her Entire Campaign Staff, according to Two Sources close to the Campaign.

The Longshot Democratic Presidential hopeful will continue to seek her Party's Nomination. But she'll do so Without a Staff behind her.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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