Sunday, January 19, 2020

DAVOS 2020 and The One Trillion Trees Project

At the World Economic Forum, DAVOS 2020, an Initiative called One Trillion Trees Project will be Launched.

THE TRILLION TREES VISION - One Trillion Trees have been Re-Grown, Saved from Loss, and Better Protected around the world by 2050, thanks to Determined and Collective Action by All Sectors of Society.

The MISSION Connect Funders with Forest Conservation Ventures, and Inspire the World to Protect and Restore One Trillion Trees by 2050.

Forests are Invaluable

They’re Home to well over Half the Species that Live on Land, and the Global Carbon Cycle depends on them. Millions of People call the Forests Home, and they Support over a Billion People’s Livelihoods. But we’re still Losing them at an Alarming Rate. We Know that we Need to Reverse this Trend.

This is Not News. Deforestation and Forest Restoration is firmly on the Global Political Agenda, cemented with Initiatives like the New York Declaration on Forests, the Sustainable Development Goals, the Bonn Challenge, and the Paris Agreement. There’s been a Wave of Corporate Commitments to End Deforestation, and there’s more Public and Private Finance Available than ever before.

Something isn’t Working

The Goals and the Finance Currently on the Table are Not having the Impact they should. Companies are Struggling to Deliver on their Pledges. Funders are Not finding the Right Investments, and Frontline Programs are Finding it Difficult to Secure Funding. Forest Positive Investments are still Heavily Outweighed by Negative Ones.

A New Blueprint

Trillion Trees is a Joint Venture of Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Wildlife Conservation Society (WWF), and BirdLife International, to Help Close this Implementation Gap. With their Combined Experience and the Dedicated, Agile Team they’ve Created, They can make Practical Progress and Inspire the World to Protect and Restore a Trillion Trees by 2050. They Act as a Connector between Investment and Initiatives Sourced through our Extensive Networks.

Why a Trillion Trees?

There were once Six Trillion Trees on the Planet, now there are only Three Trillion and we’re still Losing Ten Billion Trees per year. That Leads to a Changing Climate, a Shrinking Habitat for Wildlife, and Harder Lives for Billions of People. The Scale of the Problem calls for Radical Action.

One Trillion Trees Protected and Restored can Reverse these Trends and Create a World where Forests are Expanding, Not Shrinking. This is Essential to Delivering on the Paris Agreement to Avoid Dangerous Climate Change, to Restoring Nature, and the Biodiversity We Depend On, and to Securing a Prosperous Future for Us All.

WCS, WWF, and BirdLife International, are Three of the World’s Largest Conservation Organizations and have a Presence in over 100 Countries. Together, they will have a Huge Reach, Resources, and Decades of Experience and Expertise, in Tackling Deforestation and Restoring Forests. There Partnership is Founded on a Commitment to a Shared Vision and gives them a Platform to be More Persuasive and Powerful than they could Individually.

The Future is Green

We have the Opportunity to Create an Alternative Future for the World’s Forests. Think Big, Stretch your Ambition, and Work with Them.

CLICK HERE to Join and Take Action Now.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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