Thursday, December 12, 2019

Democrats Set Early State Primary/Caucus Debates for 2020

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) will Sponsor Four Presidential Debates in key Early Voting States in January and February, giving Candidates a Final Chance to introduce themselves before the First Votes take place.

CNN will air the First Debate of 2020 at Drake University on Jan. 14th in Des Moines, Iowa, in Partnership with the Des Moines Register, before the Iowa Caucus on Feb. 3rd.

The next Debate, ABC will host at St. Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire, with WMUR-TV and Apple News. That Debate, the Eighth of the Cycle, will take place Feb. 7th, before the Feb. 11th Primary.

On Feb. 19th, NBC News and MSNBC will Host a Debate in Las Vegas, Nevada, just ahead of that State’s Caucuses on Feb. 22nd. The Television Networks will Partner with The Nevada Independent, a Nonprofit News Site run by Veteran Nevada Political Reporter Jon Ralston.

CBS News will host a Feb. 25th Debate with the Congressional Black Caucus Institute at the Gaillard Center in Charleston, South Carolina before the Primary on Feb. 29th. The DNC said Twitter would be a Partner for the Debate.

The DNC did Not lay out how Candidates would Qualify for the Upcoming Debates.

The Iowa Debate could pose a Problem for the Three Senators who have Qualified if the Senate is Engaged in an Impeachment Trial. The DNC said it was working with the Campaigns to Build in a potential Backup Plan if Klobuchar, Sanders, and Warren, are required to be in the Senate Chamber during the Scheduled Iowa Debate.

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