Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Arctic Cultural and Coastal Plain Protection Act

The House of Representatives Passed the Arctic Cultural and Coastal Plain Protection Act (H.R. 1146) last week, which would Stop the Trump Administration's relentless drive to Drill for Oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and Protect this Pristine Wildland from Industrial Harm.

This Bill Prohibits the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) from Administering an Oil and Gas Leasing, Development, Production, and Transportation Program in and from the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska.

The Bill Sponsor is Rep. Jared Hoffman (D-CA, 2nd District) and has 182 Co-Sponsors.

Despite the Vote by the House, Trump has said he will Veto the Bill if it manages to reach his Desk. The Bill has No chance of Passage in the Republican-Controlled Senate.

Then Leaders in the U.S. Senate introduced their Arctic Refuge Protection Act to Designate the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) a Wilderness Area and Protect its Sensitive Coastal Plain from Oil and Gas Leasing and Development. The Bill is Co-Sponsored by: Senator Ed Markey (D-MA); Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO); Senator Maria Cantwell (WA); Senator Tom Carper (D-DE); Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY); and Senator Tom Udall (D-NM).

The Coastal Plain of the Arctic Refuge was Recommended for Wilderness Status under its current Comprehensive Conservation Plan, issued in 2015, but the Trump Administration Ignored this Recommendation and instead Fast-Tracked efforts to Hold a Lease Sale by the End of this year to allow Oil Drilling. Against the Wishes of the 70% of People across the U.S. who favor Permanent Protection for the Coastal Plain, it was Opened for Leasing and Development by a Provision in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

Drilling in the Arctic Refuge could have Disastrous Effects for People and Wildlife. The Coastal Plain provides Vital Habitat for Polar Bears, Migratory Birds, and other Species and is the Calving Ground of the Porcupine Caribou Herd. Indigenous Gwich’in Communities have a Spiritual Connection to the Arctic Refuge and Depend on the Caribou to maintain their Culture and Way of Life.

The Arctic is Ground Zero for Climate Change. Temperatures there are Rising at Twice the Rate of the Rest of the Planet. Villages are Eroding into the Sea, thawing Permafrost is making Infrastructure Insecure, and Food Sources are Disappearing. Oil Drilling would Compound the Devastating Climate Impacts already being felt in the Arctic Refuge and Cause Permanent Harm to Future Generations.

CLICK HERE to Urge your U.S. Senators to Protect the Arctic Refuge!

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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