Monday, September 30, 2019

How the Senate Could Handle Impeachment

Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell (R-KY), said on CNBC this morning if the House Impeaches Trump: "I would have no choice but to take it up."

He added: "How long you're on it is a whole different matter, but I would have no choice but to take it up, based on a Senate rule on impeachment."

A GOP Senate Leadership Aide sent out a Background Note over the weekend on this, citing:

"a definitive memo written in 1986 from then-Parliamentarian Robert B. Dove to then-Secretary for the Majority Howard O. Greene, Jr." The Aide also wrote, "Please note that a motion to dismiss the articles is in order under impeachment rules, and a majority vote on the motion to dismiss occurred during the impeachment trial of President Clinton."

So there's a Distinction here between Not taking up the matter Impeachment at all, and Quickly Holding a Vote to Dismiss it.

Trump's Impeachment Fight lacks one big thing that saved Clinton:

During the Clinton Impeachment, the Dot.Com Boom was making Americans Exuberant about the Economy. Today, the Economy is Slowing, Consumer Confidence is Dipping and Corporate America faces a Gauntlet of Worries. Now Investors, Consumers, and Corporate Executives face the Prospect of a Washington consumed for Months by Impeachment Drama and the Uncertain Reactions of a Volatile President with a Penchant for Lashing Out under Stress.

This complex stew could Damage an Economy already showing Signs of Flagging. That in turn could further erode Trump's Standing on the Economy, up to now his Strongest Issue.

Here are a few Areas where Economists say the Impeachment Saga could make a Difference: Gridlock in Washington; Consumer Confidence; and Business Investment.

Then there is the chance that a President Pence (R) could be in place during the 2020 Presidential Election.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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