Friday, September 20, 2019

4th Democratic Presidential Debate in Ohio Update

Otterbein University in Suburban Columbus Ohio will Host next month’s Democratic Presidential Debate, Event Organizers said Friday.

The Oct. 15th and 16th event, the Fourth Debate of the season, will be sponsored CNN and the New York Times.

CNN Anchors Anderson Cooper and Erin Burnett, as well as New York Times National Editor Marc Lacey will serve as the Debate Moderators.

Billionaire Tom Steyer has Qualified for the October Democratic Primary Debate, becoming the 11th Candidate to do so.

Steyer Crossed the Threshold after receiving 2% in a CBS News/YouGov Poll conducted in Nevada. To Qualify for the Debate, Candidates need to get at least 2% in Four Polls Approved by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Donations from 130,000 Unique Donors. Steyer had already gotten 2% in Three Polls and has already hit the Donor Mark.

The DNC has said it will Not have more than 10 Candidates Onstage on One Night. When asked about the October Debate, a DNC Spokesperson said.

The Ten Candidates who Debated Thursday: Joe Biden, Cory Booker, Pete Buttigieg, Julián Castro, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Beto O’Rourke, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Andrew Yang, All Automatically Qualify for the October Debate.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (HI-2nd District) is the next most likely Candidate to Qualify, reaching the 130,000 Donor Threshold for the October Debate, needing Two additional Qualifying Polls by Oct. 1st.

Self-Help Author Marianne Williamson reached the 130,000-Donor Threshold would need Three more Qualifying Polls by Oct. 1st.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio drops Out on Sept. 20th, 2019.

Otterbein has seen its share of Political happenings in recent years. The University earlier this year gave an Office and a loosely-defined Title to Former Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R), who lives nearby. Kasich has Filmed his Regular TV Appearances at the University in his Role as a CNN Contributor.

Event Organizers chose Westerville in part to emphasize the Suburbs and their Role as an Emerging Political Battleground, according to Ohio Democratic Party Chairman David Pepper. Democrats in Ohio and elsewhere have Outperformed in the Suburbs since 2016, due to Backlash among those Voters against Republican President Trump. Trump and Republicans have made up for that Shift with Increased Strength in traditionally Democratic areas in Northern and Eastern Ohio.

In 2018, Democrats picked up Six Seats, All in Suburban Districts, in the Republican-dominated Ohio House of Representatives.

In 2016 Hillary Clinton beat Trump in Westerville Precincts by about 1,000 Votes but Trump Won Ohio by 8 Points.

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