Friday, August 23, 2019

TN RCV Would Eliminate Runoffs and Save Money Group Says

Nashville, Tennessee, is headed to another Runoff Election, with a Cost likely to be in the Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars. That Price Tag is one reason some are pushing for an End to Runoff Elections by switching to a different type of Voting, Ranked-Choice Voting (RCV).

In 2008, Memphis Voters Approved RCV for Municipal Elections by a Landslide. RCV was set to take effect in 2011, but the Shelby County Election Commission Delayed Implementation for another 8 years.

In 2018, as the County finally prepared to Implement RCV, the Memphis City Council attempted to Repeal it with a Referendum to Amend the city Charter. Voters soundly Confirmed RCV by Rejecting the Repeal.

In early 2019, the Appointed State Elections Coordinator argued against RCV from a Technical Standpoint, creating Chaos and Confusion for Memphis and other Tennessee Municipalities considering these Election Reforms, including Nashville.

As the October Memphis Municipal Election approaches, the Tennessee General Assembly should Confirm the Legality of RCV. HB 599 / SB 970 is strictly Permissive, simply giving the Option to implement RCV.

The Group Ranked Choices Tennessee is holding meetings to connect People with the idea of RCV.

Aaron Fowles, a Representative with Ranked Choices Tennessee, says the Money Nashville could Save by Eliminating the need for Runoff Elections could be used to keep Early Voting Locations Open.

"If the election commission knew it didn't have to plan for another election, it could perhaps expand early voting to all satellite voting sites for the full two weeks of early voting, thereby allowing more people access to the ballot box," Fowles said.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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