Saturday, August 24, 2019

Equal Citizen and Electoral College

Lawrence Lessig, a Harvard Law Professor, who founded the Group Equal Citizens, who bought the Electoral College Case, said it was the First Time a Federal Appeals Court had Ruled on whether Electors could be Bound in how they Vote.

Many States, including Colorado, have Laws requiring Electors to Pledge that they will Support the Winner of the Popular Vote. But the Constitution is Mute on the Subject.

The Appeals Court noted that a Handful of Faithless Electors have Broken Pledges to Vote with their State’s Majority since the Presidential Election of 1796.

Equal Citizens wants the Supreme Court to Review the Issue before the 2020 Election.

Because of Hyper-Partisanship and Demographic Changes pushing the Country into near Evenly Divided Camps. Soon there very likely will be a presidential election that yields a tie or near tie in the Electoral College. Then, many more electors may seek to influence the results, producing chaos. Whatever side you’re on, whether you think it’s a good or bad idea for electors to have freedom, the question ought to be resolved before there is a constitutional crisis, Mr. Lessig said.

Equal Citizen:

Our democracy is broken. On every issue that matters, our leaders are unwilling — or unable — to take meaningful action. Time and again, we can see that what voters unable — to take meaningful action. Time and again, we can see that what voters want does not matter.

As a result, most of America has turned away from politics. The biggest political party in America today is “none of the above.” And who could blame them?

The system is rigged to favor the powerful and well-connected. It ignores the voices of ordinary citizens. Our representative democracy has become so corrupted by this fundamental inequality, the only voices that our government listens to are the special interests who fund their campaigns, and the most partisan groups and individuals. The result is the governmental dysfunction we see today.

Every issue — from climate change to gun safety, from Wall Street reform to defense spending — is tied to this core inequality. The solution is to fix our government so all citizens are represented equally.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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