Saturday, June 22, 2019

NY 2019 Legislature Passed Election Laws Update

This is some of the New York Voting Rights Laws Passed in over a Century.


New York Shortened the Party Enrollment Change Deadline.

Up until the Last Primary Election, it took nearly a Full Year to Change your Party Affiliation to Vote in the Primaries. The New Law makes All Party Enrollment Deadlines for All Primaries on Valentine's Day of the Same Year. That means we've moved from the absolute Worst Party Enrollment Change Deadline in the Entire Country, up to Second to Last Right in Front of Kentucky.

Early Voting - S1102/A780

Before, 37 States had Early Voting, New York did Not. Starting in November 2019, New York will have Nine Days of Early Voting before every Election, including the Two Weekends Prior to the Election, ending the Sunday before. The State also needed to provide Dedicated Funding, and Not ask Counties to rely on other Cost Savings, to ensure seamless Implementation. The State allocated $10 Million. This will eases the Pressure on Polling Sites during Election Day, gives New Yorkers more time to Vote, and makes Access to Voting more Equitable.


Before, Paper Voter Rolls were Required for All Counties on Election Day and were prone to Errors, causing Confusion and Long Waits. Counties will now be able to use Electronic Poll Books if they choose to. The State has Funded and Allocated $14.7 Million. Electronic Poll Books are Proven to Save Voters Time at Poll sites, Increase the Accuracy of Voter Rolls, and Save money over the years. They will also be Critical for many Counties implementing Early Voting.

Consolidated Primaries - S1103/A779

Before, New York was the Only State that had Two Separate Days for the State, in September, and Federal Primaries in June. Starting now, there will be One Primary Date in June for each Election Cycle. This will cut Costs and makes Voting in the Primaries less Confusing and easier for Voters to fit into their Schedule.

Online Voter Registration - S1505/ A2005

Before, New York Voters were only able to Register or Update their Voter Registration through an Online Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) Portal if they have a License. Starting in 2021, New Yorkers will be able to Register to Vote Online through the State Board of Elections (BOE) Website. Online Voter Registration will allow all New Yorkers the option to Register Online, not just those who have a DMV issued ID. It will also streamline the Registration Process for the BOE and set the stage for Proper Implementation of Automatic Voter Registration.

The following Bills require Constitutional Amendments. In New York, you must Pass these Legislature in Two Consecutive Sessions and then go to the Voters as Referendum(s) on the November Election Ballot.

Same Day Registration - S1048/A777

Today, the Deadline to Register to Vote in New York is 25 days before the Election. Currently the New York State Constitution Prohibits a Registration Date less than 10 days before the Election, so Same Day Registration wouldn’t be possible with Standing Law. A First step toward a Constitutional Amendment Removing the Ten-day Requirement for Voter Registration. this will Encourage Voter Turnout and Allows more New Yorkers to Participate in Governmental Decisions.

No Excuse ABSENTEE VOTING (“Vote by Mail”) - S1049/A778

Today, New Yorkers must meet Stringent Requirements in Order to Vote Absentee. A First step toward a Constitutional Amendment to Remove the current Absentee Voting Laws, which Require a Voter to Sign under Penalty of Perjury that they will be Out of the County on Election Day, or meet other Limited Requirements. This change will allow anyone who wants to Vote by Mail can.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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