Friday, June 14, 2019

Cyber Security Leads NC Officials to Delay Approval of New Voting Machines

North Carolina Election Officials were supposed to Certify New Voting Machines on Thursday for Millions of Voters to start using in 2020.

But they Declined to make any Decisions, citing uncertainty over who Owns the Three Companies that were seeking Approval to Sell Voting Machines.

The State gave the them until next week to divulge Everyone who Owns at least 5% of their Companies or any Parent or Subsidiary Company.

“I believe this follows along with the cyber security concerns we have found in the Mueller report and other documentation that has been furnished to our board,” Robert Cordle, the Chairman of the State Board of Elections, said Thursday when the Board announced its Surprise Decision.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Report indicated that a Company that provides Voting Software in some North Carolina Counties may have been compromised by Russian Hackers in 2016. That Company’s Software can’t be used to Change or Record Votes' it only deals with Checking Voters in to the Polls.

One of those Three, Elections Systems & Software, is currently the Only Company that provides Voting Machines in North Carolina. The other Two seeking Approval for the 2020 Elections and beyond are Clear Ballot and Hart InterCivic.

Other States have run into this problem. Foreigners becoming Part-Owners of Voting Equipment Companies used in the U.S.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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