Friday, May 31, 2019

Help Protect Our Oceans from Fossil Fuel Pipelines

The Canadian Government wants to Triple the Amount of Tar Sands Oil brought to Refineries All along the West Coast by expanding the Trans Mountain Pipeline.

Tar Sands is the World’s Dirtiest Oil. It’s Heavy and it Sinks easily making Spills Virtually Impossible to Clean Up.

In the next few weeks, Canadian Officials will Decide whether to Approve the Expansion of the Trans Mountain Pipeline.

So we need Friends like you to Join our allies at Friends of the Earth Canada and Speak Up to Stop this Disastrous Project!

This Pipeline Expansion would lead to a dramatic Increase in Oil Tanker Traffic off the Coast of California, Washington, and Oregon.

This is an important Habitat of the Endangered Southern Resident Orcas. A Tanker Spill in this Region could put these Iconic Whales at Risk of Extinction. What’s more, the Pipeline would undermine the Sovereignty of Indigenous Peoples. It would Cut through Tribal Lands and will Poison their Water if the Pipeline Spills.

And with Scientists saying we have less than 12 years left to Avert the Worst Impacts of the Climate Crisis, we can’t afford to Expand Existing pipelines. We should be keeping All Fossil Fuels in the Ground instead.

We need to tell the Canadian Government to Protect Orcas and Stand Up for Indigenous Sovereignty, not Big Oil.

All across the Country and the Continent, Communities are coming together to Fight the Expansion of the Fossil Fuel Industry.

Together with our Canadian Allies, People like you have Resisted the Keystone XL Pipeline. You’ve taken a Stand against Export Terminals that are being Built to Move Tar Sands from Alberta Overseas. Now, we need to Build on that Momentum.

The Canadian Government is Set to make a Decision in the next few Weeks.

CLICK HERE to Block the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Project and tell Canadian Leaders to keep Fossil Fuels in the Ground.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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