Monday, March 4, 2019

TX Republicans Push Plan to Strip New Citizens of Voting Rights

The Texas Secretary of State’s recent Effort to Target Non-Citizens for Voting Illegally was a Giant Mess, of 95,000 Names Flagged as Non-Citizens who had Registered to Vote, it turned out that Thousands had become Citizens before and After Registering, and were doing absolutely nothing Wrong.

The State faces lawsuits over the effort to Demonize Immigrants, but that’s Not stopping Texas Republicans from doubling down.

Two Bills in the Texas State Senate would force Local Voter Registrars to Strip their Voting Rolls of Everyone who had at any Point said they weren’t a Citizen.

Under the Republican Bills, People who had recently become Citizens and Registered to Vote. as is their Right, would have that Right taken Away without being Notified so that they could set things Straight.

And Voter Registrars who Failed to Kick a Group of mostly Legal Voters Off the Rolls would face Penalties and possible Removal from Office.

Not that we needed any further Evidence of how much Republicans want to Suppress Voting.

Immediately after a List of supposed Illegal Voters was shown to be Overwhelmingly a List of Legal Voters, Republicans are moving to use the same Standard to Disenfranchise Voters without Warning or Recourse.

They just might Prevent a Lot of Legal People from Voting.

These New Efforts to Suppress the Vote should become the basis for a Texas Bail-In to make Texas a Preclearance State.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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