Saturday, March 2, 2019

ME RCV for Presidential Primary and General Elections

On November 6th, 2018, Maine Voters became the First in the Nation to use Ranked-Choice Voting (RCV) in a Statewide General Election for U.S. Senate and U.S. House.

Now, “An Act To Implement Ranked-choice Voting for Presidential Primary and General Elections in Maine”, LD 1083, has been introduced by Senate President Troy Jackson (D-1st District, Allagash).

This Landmark Legislation would Replace Maine's Caucus with a Primary for the Presidential Nominating Process and Expand the State's First-in-the-Nation RCV Law to include both the Primary and General Elections for President of the United States.

“Senator Jackson’s bill is the solution for the crowded 2020 Democratic presidential primary and the three-way general election for President of the United States. Maine can lead the way in changing the way we elect the next President of the United States with urgent action on Senator Jackson’s bill to expand this voter-approved reform.” said Kyle Bailey, Campaign Manager for The Committee for Ranked Choice Voting 2020.

In 6 out of the last 15 Presidential Elections, Winners received Less than a Majority in Races where One or more Candidates were Labeled as “Spoilers.”

LD 1083 would Not Change Maine’s Proportional Allocation of Electoral College Votes by Congressional District.

It would simply Require that the Winner be determined by RCV.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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