Despite Rudy Giuliani and President Trump’s multiple claims that there was No “Trump Tower Moscow” deal, it appears that not only was there a deal, but there were extensive Plans in place to make it the Largest Building in all of Europe based on a New Set of Documents and Emails.
The Plan was of a Glass Skyscraper that would stretch higher than any other Building in Europe, offering Ultra-Luxury Residences and Hotel Rooms and bearing a name
Trump Tower Moscow, conceived as a Partnership between Trump’s Company and a Russian Real Estate Developer, looked likely to yield Profits in Excess of $300 Million.
The Tower was never Built, but it has become a Focal Point of the Investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller into Trump’s Relationship with Russia in the lead-up to his Presidency. The President and his Representatives have Dismissed the Project as little more than a Notion, a Rough Plan led by Trump’s then-Lawyer, Michael Cohen, and his Associate Felix Sater, of which Trump and his Family said they were only loosely aware as the Election Campaign gathered pace.
But the Plan was much more than just a Basic Idea and Outline. Many of the Specifics had already been Worked Out including the Architectural Plans, the Developer, and the Funding for the Project.
Let’s first recall that Trump has repeatedly Lied, starting in Early 2016 and until recently, claiming that “he had no deal, and no planned deals” in Russia. But as shown here, the Tower Project Plan had moved along quite far and was Designed to fit in right at the Corner among the Buildings shown above.
Trump Tower Moscow had been planned to be the Tallest Building in Europe when Trump Attorney and Fixer Cohen managed to gain the Support of Developer Andrey Rozov. “The building design you sent over is very interesting,” the Russian Real Estate Developer Andrey Rozov wrote to Cohen in September 2015, “and will be an architectural and luxury triumph. I believe the tallest building in Europe should be in Moscow, and I am prepared to build it.” In addition to the Letter of Intent Signed in October 2015 by Trump, Felix Sater managed to also obtain a similar Signed Letter of Intent from Developer Rozov, which he forwarded to Cohen.
Detailed Architectural Plans and Designs had already been put together based on the Work of an Architect who had been selected by Ivanka, including a Branded Spa under her Name. Ivanka Trump recommended the Architect for the Failed Trump Tower Moscow Project in an Email to Michael Cohen. Cohen copied Ivanka and Don Trump Jr. on Emails about the Project in late 2015. Trump's Company was explicitly given the Option to Brand any or All Portion of the Spa or Fitness Facilities as "The Spa by Ivanka Trump" or some similar name.
Key Perks of the Project included a Planned Personal Penthouse for Vladimir Putin which would have been worth $50 Million, based on an idea that was pitched by Cohen’s Partner on the Project, Felix Sater, to Putin Press Secretary Dmitri Peskov. The hope was that the Lavish Gift would help grease the wheels, and in the process entice more Russian Elites to move in. “My idea was to give a $50 million penthouse to Putin and charge $250 million more for the rest of the units,” Felix Sater said in November. “All the oligarchs would line up to live in the same building as Putin.”
Michael Cohen pleaded Guilty to Lying both to Congress and the Special Counsel’s Office (SCO) when he Claimed that this Project had ended in January 2016, when he attempted to Email Putin’s Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov in Moscow for help moving things Forward, and Falsely Claimed that he received No Response. That was a Lie which Cohen Admitted in his Sentence Statement. Michael had a Lengthy Substantive Conversation with the Personal Assistant to a Kremlin Official following his Outreach in January 2016, engaged in Additional Communications concerning the Project as late as June 2016, and kept Client-1 Apprised of these Communications. He and Client-1 also discussed possible Travel to Russia in the Summer of 2016, and Michael took steps to clear Dates for such Travel.
Cohen has Admitted under Oath that Trump was kept in the Loop on the Project with at least 10 Status Meetings during 2016, meaning that Trump was Aware that Cohen would Falsely Claim the Project Ended in January, when in fact it went until at least June. This would mean that if Cohen went to Congress and told them he was still Working on the Moscow Project at least until the Day that the Washington Post revealed that Russians had Hacked the DNC, that might be a bit of a Political Problem for Trump.
Here’s a Timeline of Events related to Cohen based on a Timeline compiled from what Mueller’s Filings and the Media have Revealed:
2013 — Trump attempts to create a Trump Tower Project with his Miss Universe Moscow Partner Aras Agalarov. Don Jr. is in Charge of the Project and Ivanka goes on Location Scouting Trips with Aras’ Popstar Son Emin. Ike Kaveladze, who Works for the Agalarov Family is also Present.
October 13, 2015 — Felix Sater obtains a Signed Letter of Intent from Russian Developer Andrey Rozov for a new Moscow Tower Project using Funding from Russia’s VTB Bank, which is Sanctioned.
October 28, 2015 — On the same day as the third GOP Debate, Trump Signs a Nonbinding Letter of Intent to Build Trump Tower Moscow.
November 2015 — Felix Sater emails Michael Cohen about a New Trump Tower Moscow Project, saying “I will get Putin on this program and we will get Donald elected ... I know how to play it and how to get this done. Buddy, our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it... I will get all of Putin’s team to buy in on this, I will manage this process.”
Ivanka Trump Emails Cohen that she can Connect him with Russian Olympic Weightlifter Dmitry Klokov in order to set up a Putin-Trump meeting on Trump Tower Moscow. Cohen contacts Klokov by Phone and Email; Klokov offers “political synergy” and to arrange the Meeting but Cohen Refuses, saying he already had an Arrangement in Place via Sater. Sater and Cohen are soon also in Talks with a Ukrainian Member of Parliament to try to come up with a Peace Plan to Remove Sanctions on Russia.
January 14, 2016 — Michael Cohen sends an Email to Putin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov trying to get Talks regarding Trump Tower Moscow Restarted. He claims that they ignored him. But they didn’t, they actually Answered him. Peskov also Lies about Not Responding to this Email to CNN.
January 16, 2016 — Cohen emails Peskov again, asking to reach a High-Level Official and for someone who speaks English to contact him.
January 20, 2016 — Peskov’s Assistant responds to Cohen’s emails and provides a Moscow-based Phone Number him to call. They speak for at least 20 minutes as Cohen requests Assistance on the Moscow Tower Project. The Assistant takes Notes and says they will follow up with others in Russia.
January 21, 2016 — Sater emails Cohen asking for a Call, then tells him that he’s received a Call from Russia. “It’s about Putin, they called today.”
May 4, 2016 — Felix Sater writes to Michael Cohen that he’s heard back from Moscow about his Trip for the Tower Project. "I had a chat with Moscow. ASSUMING the trip does happen the question is before or after the convention. Obviously. the pre-meeting trip (you only) can happen anytime you want but the 2 big guys [Trump and Putin] where [sic] the question. I said I would confirm and revert ." Cohen responded, "My trip before Cleveland. [Trump] once he becomes the nominee after the convention."
May 5, 2016 — Felix emails to Cohen: "[Dmitry Peskov] would like to invite you as his guest to the St. Petersburg Forum which is Russia's Davos, it's June 16- 19. He wants to meet there with you and possibly introduce you to either [Putin] or [Medvedev] , as they are not sure if 1 or both will be there. He said anything you want to discuss including dates and subjects are on the table to discuss."
May 6, 2016 — Sater asks for Cohen to Confirm his Dates for St. Petersburg; says “Works for me.”
June 1, 2016 — Michael Cohen and Felix Sater continue to Discuss Efforts to obtain Help from the Russian Government on the Trump Tower Moscow Project. Trump is Updated on the Current Status of this more than Three Times, as are Members of his Family. Likely Don Jr. and Ivanka, who had Selected the Architect for the Project.
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