Monday, February 4, 2019

NYS Legislature Considers Easier Access to Ballot

New York Candidates in Local Elections might have a Lower Threshold to Qualify for the Ballot this year.

This Change is being considered by State Lawmakers in response to a New Law that moved State and Local Primaries from September to June, to combine Federal and State Elections.

The Bills for 2019 Only are: New York Assembly AB 2570 and Senate SB 2862

It means Candidates for Local Offices like in Village, Town, or City Races will have to start Collecting Signatures later this Month to get on the Ballot, Four months earlier than usual.

Legislation that Passed the Assembly, and is making its way through the State Senate, would Cut the Number of Required Signatures by a Quarter for Local Elected Positions outside of New York City.

The Proposal is a response to the Accelerated Election Timeline, which forced Local Parties to Speed up their Recruitment of Candidates.

Campaign Volunteers also may need to battle Winter Weather Conditions and Limited Daylight as they Collect Signatures.

New York City would be Exempted because Candidates there can gather Signatures from Large Apartment Buildings and Commuter Hubs, such as Train Stations.

Assemblyman D. Billy Jones (D-115th District) Sponsoring the Legislation, said in a Statement that the Lower Threshold will Prevent "unnecessary headaches so people planning to run and stand up for their communities can do so without new hoops to jump through."

The Bill is Scheduled for vote in the Senate Elections Committee today and it's a "priority" for Senate Sponsor Rachel May (D-53rd District). A Spokeswoman for the Senator said Chamber Leadership is aware of the Timeline Associated with the Proposal.

Saratoga County Democratic Committee Chair Todd Kerner hopes the Proposal is Adopted and made Permanent. "It is absolutely necessary that they take into account the weather for upstate," Kerner said.

The Petition Process for Party Candidates begins on Feb. 26th and must be Submitted by April 4th.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

1 comment:

richardwinger said...

unfortunately the bill only applies to 2019.