Independent Voting's National Campaign Eye on 2020, Goal is to Insert the Voice of Independents more fully in the Presidential Process, has Organized a Cabinet of 21 Leaders from 15 States to Spearhead its Initiatives.
The Campaign is making a simple Demand: Independents want Full Access to EVERY Stage of the Presidential Process in EVERY State.
In Phase One, Independents are Pressuring the Democratic and Republican Parties to Commit to Opening all 2020 Presidential Primaries and Caucuses to Independent Voters. To that Effect, over 940 Independents to Date, including me, have Signed on to the Letter Initiated by Independent Voting President Jackie Salit calling on DNC Chair Tom Perez to take Action to Open the Presidential Primaries in All 50 States.
The Campaign Cabinet is amplifying the Letter's Impact by sending it with a Personal Cover Note to Democratic State Chairs and Vice Chairs in their State.
Despite the Common Retort by Party Leaders that the Issue is "out of their control," State Parties have the Authority to Open or Close their Primaries, Thanks to a Supreme Court Ruling, Tashjian v. the Republican Party of Connecticut.
Cathy Stewart, Independent Voting's Vice President for National Development and Coordinator of Eyes on 2020 said:
"In fact, the Democratic Party in California, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and South Dakota did open their presidential primaries in 2016. I spoke with Jane Kleeb, the state chair of the Democratic Party in Nebraska. Every four years they decide how to conduct their presidential process. In 2016, they opened the presidential primaries to indies, but it was only a beauty contest since delegates were chosen at a party convention. This fall, Jane urged and won the vote of the party to end the caucus and use a binding open presidential primary for 2020. Here is how she sees it: 'Independents are independents for a reason and they do not want to affiliate, but maybe there are a lot of independents across the state who would be our natural allies.' A smart observation by Kleeb! 21.3% of voters in Nebraska are independents."
NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
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