Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Denver Pays Homeless Residents to Help Clean Up City

In Colorado, Denver Day Works was launched by the City’s Human Services Department in November 2016 to provide low-barrier Employment Opportunities to People experiencing Homelessness.

Modeled after similar programs in other Cities, Denver Day Works pays Participants $12 to $13 per hour to help with City Projects like:

- Cleaning up the Streets

- Landscaping

- General Maintenance

Participants also receive while they're Working:

- Breakfast

- Lunch

- Bus Fare to get to Worksites

- Access to Employment Specialists who can Help them find Long-Term Work Opportunities. 145 have found Permanent Work.

“Maybe a subtitle for this program is MythBusters, because I think a lot of people, including myself, weren’t sure how successful this would be,” says Don Mares, Executive Director of Denver Human Services. “We had so many people sign up … that we had a waitlist of folks to come and do that work.”

Boosted by the Legal Marijuana Market and a booming Aerospace Industry, Denver’s Economy continues to thrive. But with its Economic Resurgence, the City must also grapple with Rising Housing Prices and a recent Spike in Homelessness.

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