Saturday, January 26, 2019

Judge Strikes IA Rule on Absentee Ballots

An Iowa Judge struck down Part of a 2017 Voter ID Law dealing with Absentee Ballots, a decision Opponents of the Law say will make it Easier for Voters to get Ballots and Secretary of State Paul Pate (R) said will make it "easier to cheat."

Polk County District Court Judge Karen Romano called the Rule Unlawful and Blocked it from taking effect in a Wednesday ruling. The Rule had Prevented County Auditors from using an existing Statewide Voter Database to look up Missing Voter Information when processing Absentee Ballot Requests. Romano wrote that Limiting Auditors' use of the database was "irrational, illogical, and wholly unjustifiable."

The Decision was part of the Larger Legal Fight over Iowa's 2017 Voter ID Law, which went into full effect this year. A Separate Lawsuit seeks to Overturn the entire Law.

On Thursday, Pate vowed to Appeal the Decision to the Iowa Supreme Court. "Judge Romano's decision puts the integrity and security of Iowa’s elections at risk by making it easier to cheat," Pate said in a News Release. "The purpose of this rule is to ensure that county auditors obtain information missing from an absentee ballot request form from the source: the requesting voter."

The Rule on Absentee Ballot Requests stated that Auditors must Call, Email, Send a Letter or Speak to the Voter in Person to obtain Missing Information. Pate's Attorneys had argued in Court that the Law uses the term "best means available," and to him that meant Calling, Sending a Letter, or Speaking with the Voter in Person to obtain Missing Information. He said in his Thursday Statement that his definition of the Phrase had been used by Democratic and Republican Secretaries of State.

The League of United Latin American Citizens of Iowa, which Sued to Overturn the Rule, feared that requiring Elections Officials to send a Letter or Call a Voter could result in Delays or Prevent the Voter's Request for a Ballot from being Processed. "This assures them that their absentee ballot and the request form will be acknowledged and they'll have their right to vote by absentee ballot," Joe Enriquez Henry, LULAC's National Vice President for the Midwest Region, said of the Ruling.

Opponents of the Voter ID Law said it made No Sense to Block Elections Officials from using the Database to Look Up Information like a Missing Address. The Database has been in use for years.

"They already provided that information when they registered to vote," said Johnson County Auditor Travis Weipert. "That's why it's in the database."

Romano wrote in her Ruling that Preventing County Auditors from using the Database "is clearly against reason and evidence." "The court finds that the secretary's interpretation is erroneous. Forbidding commissioners from using the voter registration system entirely is a direct contradiction of the term 'best means available,'" Romano wrote in her Ruling.

This week's Ruling only dealt with the Policy covering Missing Information on Absentee Ballot Request Forms.

LULAC and an Iowa State University Student are Suing to Overturn the Law, which they say Violates the Sections of the Iowa Constitution that Protect the Right to Vote, Due Process, Equal Protection, and Freedom of Speech. That Case is set to go to Trial later this year.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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