Friday, January 18, 2019

DNC Says It Was Targeted by Russian Hackers After 2018 Election

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) claims that in the days after the 2018 Midterm Elections it was likely Targeted by a Group of Russian Intelligence Hackers, according to Court Documents.

Dozens of DNC Email Addresses were Targeted in a Spear-Phishing Campaign on November 14, 2018, the DNC alleges, adding that the Contents and Timing of the Emails suggest that the Campaign was Tied to the Russian Hacking Group known as "Cozy Bear."

The DNC adds, "it is probable that Russian intelligence again attempted to unlawfully infiltrate DNC computers in November 2018."

The Democrats said there is No Indication in the Court Filing that November's alleged Hacking attempt was Successful.

Cozy Bear is one of Two Hacking Groups Linked to Russian Intelligence that is believed to have Accessed the DNC's Internal Systems in the Lead-Up to the 2016 Election.

Spear-Phising attempts normally involve Hackers sending Emails designed to look like they came from Trusted Sources in an attempt to induce potential Victims to Hand over Confidential Information.

In 2016, the Email Account of Hillary Clinton's Campaign Chair John Podesta was Hacked, after an Intern Clicked On, an Email with a successful Spear-Phising attempt by another Russian Hacking Group.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller Indicted Members of Russia's Military Intelligence in July for the 2016 Hacking of the DNC, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), and Podesta.

The DNC's New Allegations came in an Amended Complaint as part of an Ongoing Lawsuit, filed in Manhattan Federal Court, against the Russian Government, President Trump, WikiLeaks, and others.

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