Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Using Automatic Voter Registration Tool

We can give Millions of Eligible Americans Better Access to the Ballot, by using the Automatic Voter Registration (AVR) Tool to reach Unregistered Voters and get them onto the Voting Rolls.

This Groundbreaking Reform has already Activated Hundreds of Thousands of New Voters across the Country. It’s Straightforward, it’s Effective, and taking it Nationwide will make our Democracy Stronger than ever.

Here’s how AVR works:

When Eligible but Unregistered Voters visit a State Agency like the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), for a New or Updated License or State ID Card, they are Automatically Added to the Voter Rolls, unless they Decline. It’s a simple Change, using Data the States already Collect, that will seriously Improve Citizen Participation in our Democracy.

Another Benefit: currently, to get a License requires Proof of Citizenship, not just a Citizenship Notice on Registration Forms: Affidavit: I swear or affirm that • I am a citizen of the United States.

Imagine the Civic Improvement we’ll All Benefit from if the Millions of Americans who don't currently Participate get Involved. Politicians will be more Accountable to the People they Serve, and Government Decisions will better Reflect what People actually want.

We know that Automatic Voter Registration is a solution that Works. In Oregon, AVR added over 230,000 New Voters to the Rolls in just Six Months and about 100,000 of them went on to Cast a Ballot in the 2016 Election. In California, it took AVR just 3 Months to Register over 260,000 New Voters.

AVR not only makes our Elections more Participatory, it also makes them more Accurate and Secure. By Eliminating the Errors that come with Outdated Enrollment systems, AVR keeps States’ Rolls more Up-to-Date, Protecting the Integrity of Our Elections.

If we bring this Reform Nationwide, we can add up to 50 Million New Voters to the Tolls. That’s 50 Million New Voices helping to Shape and Power our Democracy! All while making our Elections more Secure, Less Expensive, and more Accessible to every Eligible American.

AVR Implementation Dates:

Alaska - Approved November 2016, Ballot Measure 1. Implemented March 2017.

California - Approved October 2015, AB 1461. Implemented April 2018.

Colorado - Approved 2017 Administratively. Implemented February 2017 (tested at only certain locations).

District of Columbia - Approved December 2016, B21-0194. Implemented June 2018.

Georgia - Approved 2016, Administratively. Implemented September 2016.

Illinois - Approved August 2017, SB 1933. Implemented July 2018.

Maryland - Approved April 2018, SB 1048 enacted without Governor's Signature. Implement by July 2019.

Massachusetts - Approved August 2018, H 4320. Implement by January 2020.

New Jersey - Approved April 2018, AB 2014. Implement by November 2018.

Oregon - Approved March 2015, HB 2177. Implemented January 2016. Preliminary Results: In the November 2016 General Election, nearly 100,000 Votes were Cast out of the 230,000 Ballots Mailed to Individuals who had Registered Automatically.

Rhode Island - Approved July 2017, HB 5702. Implemented June 2018.

Vermont - Approved April 2016, HB 458. Implemented January 2017. Preliminary Results: In program’s first sixth Months, the State netted more than 12,000 New and Updated Registrations from the DMV.

Washington - Approved March 2018, HB2595. Implement by July 2019.

West Virginia - Approved April 2016, HB 4013. Implement by July 2019. The Bill became Law after the Governor Declined to either Sign or Veto it.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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