Thursday, September 27, 2018

Appeals Court Upholds MO Anti-Corruption Anti-Gerrymandering Ballot Proposal

A Federal Appeals Court Ruled that a proposed Missouri Anti-Corruption, Anti-Gerrymandering Ballot Initiative, Amendment 1, is good to go for the November 6th Ballot after a Lower Court Removed it.

The Decision comes days before the Ballot needed to be Finalized to be sent Overseas for Members of the Military and for the First Round of Absentee Ballots.

“We are glad the judges saw through the frivolous arguments of the lobbyists who are terrified of letting Missourians vote on Amendment 1. Reformers across the political spectrum support cleaning up Missouri politics and will be voting yes this November,” said Benjamin Singer, Communications for Clean Missouri.

Clean Missouri garnered over 300,00 Signatures to qualify Amendment 1 for the Ballot.

Here is what the Amendment does:

- It requires Legislative Records to be Open to the Public.

- It requires State Politicians to wait at least Two Years before becoming Lobbyists.

- It would Ban most Lobbyist Gifts in the State, anything more than $5.

- Establish New Campaign Contribution Limits for General Assembly Candidates: $2,500 for State Senate, $2,000 for State House.

- Limit the ability of Individuals and Organizations to Circumvent Caps by Counting Money from Single-Source Committees towards Totals for Original, Actual Donors.

- Stop Legislative Fundraising on State Property.

- It would Require a Nonpartisan Expert to Draw Legislative Districts and then the Maps would be Reviewed by a Citizens’ Commission.

CLICK HERE for more information about the Amendment 1.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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