Wednesday, July 18, 2018

U.S. Treasury Restricts Donor Disclosure Requirement for Some Nonprofit Groups

The Treasury Department will Allow some Nonprofit Groups to provide Less Information about Donors on their Tax Forms in a Win for Conservative Organizations Engaged in Politics.

Until now, Nonprofit Groups, including Charities and Trade Associations, had to List Contributors who give at least $5,000 on what is known as Schedule B. The IRS received the Complete Version, and the Groups Publicly released Redacted Forms without Identifying Information about Donors.

Under the Change announced late Monday, Charities and Political Groups still must provide the Names and Addresses of Donors, but other Nonprofits don’t.

Organizations that no longer need to Provide the Information include Social Welfare Organizations, which can Engage in Politics and don’t have to Disclose their Donors to the Federal Election Commission. Social Welfare Groups have been Active across the Political Spectrum, but Conservative ones have been particularly involved in Politics.

Some of the Largest Groups affected include an Arm of the National Rifle Association, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and Americans for Prosperity, a group tied to Koch brothers.

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