Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Judge Orders Temporary Halt to Deportation of Reunited Migrant Families

Judge Dana Sabraw has ordered a Temporary Halt to the Deportation of Migrant Families who have been Reunited by the Trump Administration under his recent Court Order.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) had asked Judge Dana Sabraw to Delay Deportations a Week after Reunification. The ACLU said in a Court Filing that its request is a response to "persistent and increasing rumors ... that mass deportations may be carried out imminently and immediately upon reunification."

Sabraw has Ordered Thousands of Children be Returned to their Parents by July 26th, but there have been Reports that some Parents are being Coerced by Officials into agreeing to Deportation and giving up any attempts at Asylum in order to get their Kids back.

“the ACLU said parents need a week after being reunified with their children to decide whether to pursue asylum. A one-week stay is a reasonable and appropriate remedy to ensure that the unimaginable trauma these families have suffered does not turn even worse because parents made an uninformed decision about the fate of their child," the ACLU said.

It could be valuable time for Families, who, now that they are Free, may have more Accessibility to Legal Aid and other Resources to see what Options may be available to them.

Sabraw said, “He would temporarily halt deportations until the Justice Department could file a response to the ACLU's documents. He gave the government attorneys one week, and said he'd formally rule after that.”

Justice Attorneys Opposed Halting the Deportations.

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