Wednesday, April 25, 2018

OK Gov. Vetoes Bill to Legalize Photographing Own Voted Ballot

Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin has Vetoed Legislation that would have allowed Voters to take and share Cell Phone Photos of their Ballots.

The Republican Governor announced her Veto of the measure Tuesday.

In a Letter, Fallin said she was concerned that permitting Ballot Selfies could lead to Voter Intimidation and "Propaganda Electioneering".

The Measure, which Passed both Chambers easily this year, would Allow Voters to take Photos of their Ballots and Share them on Social Media, if they choose to do so.

A Veto Override would take a Two-Thirds Majority in each Chamber.

In the United States, most States had moved to Secret Ballots soon after the Presidential Election of 1884. Kentucky was the last State to do so in 1891, when it Quit using an Oral Ballot. But Seven States did not have Government-Printed Ballots until the 20th Century; South Carolina created them in 1950 and Georgia in 1922.

Elections in the United States are mostly held by Secret Ballot, although some States use Mail Ballots instead, which violate Requirements 3 and 4 of the "Australian Ballot", as it is distributed to the Home, and potentially Marked in the Presence of other People.

In 2018, the States of Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington will conduct all Elections by Mailed Ballots.

The Constitution for the State of West Virginia still allows Voters to cast "Open Ballots".

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
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