New York State and New York City Ranked-Choice Voting (RCV) Update for 2018
S 5616: Allows RCV for Local Elections - Introduced on April 20th 2017. Co-Sponsors: Sen. Liz Krueger [D-28th District], Sen. Brad Hoylman [D-27th District], and Sen. Jose Serrano [D-29th District]. Establishes RCV method for certain Local Elections for Races with Three or more Candidates; insures Majority Support for Elected Officers; provides for Repeal of such Provisions. On March 1st, 2018 referred to Senate Elections Committee.
A 8613: Allows RCV for Local Elections - Introduced on September 1st, 2017. Co-Sponsors: Former Representative, now Sen. Brian Kavanagh [D 26th District], Rep. Donna Lupardo [D-123rd District], Rep. Fred Thiele [D-1st District], and Rep. Barbara Lifton [D-125th District]. Same as S 5616. On September 1st, 2017 referred to Assembly Election Law Committee. On December 15th, 2017 Enacting Clause stricken: This Act shall take effect immediately, and shall expire December 31st, 2022 when upon such Date the Provisions of this Act shall be deemed Repealed. Making this a Pilot Test.
S 5605: Pilot Program for RCV use in Local Elections in 2020 and 2021 - Introduced on April 20th, 2017. Sponsor: Sen. Liz Krueger [D-28th District]. Creates a PilotPprogram to provide for an RCV method to be used in up to Ten Local Governments, selected by the State Board of Elections, in Election years 2020 and 2021; Requires Report to State Legislature. On March 1st, 2018 referred to Senate Elections Committee.
S 3309: In any New York City City-Wide Primaries for Mayor, Public Advocate, and Comptroller - Introduced on January 20th, 2017. Co-Sponsors: Sen. Andrew Lanza [R-24th District] and Sen. Jesse Hamilton [D-20th District]. In the City of New York, any City-Wide Primary Elections for the Office of Mayor, Public Advocate, or Comptroller, in which more than Two Candidates appear on the Ballot for the Same Office, shall be Conducted by RCV. This Act shall take effect January 1st, 2019. On January 11th, 2018 recommitted to Senate Elections Committee as Print Number 3309A.
S 4110: Enacts the “New York City Instant Run-Off Voting Act” which requires RCV for any Municipal Election in New York City - Introduced on February 3rd, 2017. Sponsor: Senator James Sanders Jr. [D-10th District]. Enacts the "NYC Instant Run-Off Voting Act"; requires an Instant Run-Off or RCV in any Municipal Election in New York City; provides that if One Candidate for any Municipal Office receives a Majority of First Preferences, such Candidate is Elected; provides, however, if No Candidate is the First Choice of at least Half the Voters, the Instant Run-Off Re-Tabulation shall be Performed and then the Candidate with the Fewest Votes is Eliminated; makes related Changes. Referred To Elections committee on January 3rd, 2018.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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