Monday, February 12, 2018

OK Academy Recommends Ending Party Primaries

Members of the Nonpartisan Oklahoma Academy recommend Dropping the State's Party Primary system in favor of Reforms that would pit All Candidates against each other in a Single Contest. Doing so would avoid Dueling Primary and Runoff Elections, forcing every Candidate for a Seat to appear on the same Ballot. The Two Candidates receiving the most Votes, regardless of Party, would then face each other in a Final Election.

Oklahoma Academy is a Nonpartisan, Nonprofit Organization that collects ideas on a Topic from across the State and convenes a Four-Day Session where Civic-Minded Individuals Debate and Discuss those Issues. Ultimately, the Group reaches a Consensus and Submits Policy Recommendations to the State's Political Leaders.

Recommendations this year were focused on Improving the Election Process. Some Proposals make it into Legislation while others linger, sometimes for years.

Town Hall 2017 Co-Chair Dan Boren said the New Election system could increase Voter Participation, Reduce Partisanship, and Eliminate Special Interests from Controlling the Electoral Process. "One way to look at it is that it's very much like a 'jungle primary,' so you have everyone filing and running in that one election. You wouldn't have the primary and runoff and all those other things," Boren said. "If you look at some of the runoffs and party primary elections, the numbers are really low. The recommendations are based on that."

Other Recommendations

- Allow an Independent Redistricting Commission draw Legislative Lines. The Process now allows Lawmakers to Set their own Districts, which essentially allows them to Pick their own Voters once every Decade. The Commission would be Independent from the Government, but Appointed by the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches. "There was clear consensus from the Town Hall that an independent redistricting commission would be a fairer way of drawing district lines," said Co-Chair John D. Harper.

Voter Access:

- The Top Priority Recommendation in that Category would be to Expand the Voting Window Hours and potential Days, especially for Early Voting, including the Monday before General Election Day.

- Mail-In Voting should be enhanced as it helps to overcome difficulties in finding Voting Locations, the Academy said.

- Town Hall Attendees agreed that the State Election Board should produce an Election Guide and Campaigns to encourage Voting.

Additional Consensus Recommendations:

- Policies to have Funds ready to Repair and Upgrade the State's Electronic Voting System

- Encourage Younger Poll Workers

- Allow Nonviolent Felons to Restore their Voting Rights

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
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