Sunday, February 25, 2018

Gov. Kasich Says Two-Party System May Be in Jeopardy

After well over a Century of Two-Party Rule, Ohio Gov. John Kasich said Multiparty System could be in America's Future.

"I'm starting to really wonder if we are going to see a multiparty system at some point in the future in this country," Kasich said during an Interview with ABC's Jonathan Karl on "This Week." "Because I don't think either party is answering people's deepest concerns and needs."

Kasich, who ran for the GOP's Presidential Nomination in 2016, declined to Endorse Trump and has remained Openly Critical of him and some of the Actions of those in his Party.

The outgoing Ohio Governor was joined by another Retiring State Executive, Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, who, like Kasich, is Term-Limited after Eight years in Office. Hickenlooper, a Democrat, disputed some of Kasich's Critiques of the Democratic Party but agreed that both of the Nation's Major Parties are struggling to Articulate an Agenda to Voters in Advance of November's Midterm Elections. "Right now both parties don't seem capable of having a coherent agenda," Hickenlooper added.

The Constitution does not mention either of the Two Major Parties, or for that matter, any Political Party. But over the years, the massive Infrastructure of the Democratic and Republican Parties, coupled with Ballot Access Thresholds in many States, have combined to form a Stranglehold on Power, with few Exceptions.

The Two Governors have become a bit of a Duo in frequent travels during which they lament the lack of Bipartisanship in Washington and its Inability to get things done, leading some to believe that the pair, from opposite Parties, could run together in 2020. But neither Kasich nor Hickenlooper was ready to Commit to Running, let alone together.

"What I'm doing is I haven't formed a PAC, I don't have committees all over the country, I'm not doing those things," Hickenlooper said, before he said it's a maybe.

Kasich, who speaks often about his Faith, said his Decision is "in the hands of the Lord." I have no idea what I'm going to do when I — you know what, I'll tell you where I leave this. "I'd like to have a voice, I'd like to be constructive, I like to rally people."

Maybe the future is the House and the Senate runs like other Countries, with each not having one Party with the Majority. Between multiple Parties and Independents, there would need to form Coalition and Compromise to produce Legislature that Works for All Citizens.

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