Tuesday, January 9, 2018

NC Gerrymandering Struck Down

A Federal Court in North Carolina, in Common Cause v. Rucho Lawsuit, Stroke Down the State’s blatantly Gerrymandered Congressional Map as Unconstitutional. A Three-Judge Panel on Tuesday gave the State Legislature only Two weeks to adopt a New Map and potentially throwing this year's Elections into chaos. In a Unanimous decision, the Panel said that if the General Assembly fails to enact a New Map by Jan. 24th, a Special Master will be appointed to Draw the Districts. The Candidate Filing Deadline is Feb. 28th, with the Primary Election set for May 8th.

The State's Congressional Delegation is made up of 10 Republicans and Three Democrats, even though recent Statewide Elections often reflect a nearly 50-50 split. In 2016, Republicans Won the Presidential Race by 4 percentage points and the State's Senate Race by 6 points, while Democrats carried the Governor's Race by less than 1 point.

The North Carolina Legislature is promising to Appeal this Case.

This could be the moment to End Partisan Gerrymandering and ensure Fair Maps for all Voters.

The decisive Evidence of the North Carolina GOP’s ill intent, was Republican State Lawmakers are on the Record that they Drew Congressional Districts for Partisan Advantage.

There is Legal Talent and Policy Expertise to Litigate this Case before the Supreme Court. And there is Grassroots Political Power needed to seize on this opportunity to enact Lasting, Nonpartisan Solutions that ensure Fair Redistricting in all 50 States.

Voters should be able to Choose their Politicians, not the other way around. But unfortunately, that is exactly what Partisan Gerrymandering does, letting Politicians pick their Voters by drawing Legislative Districts to benefit themselves, and box out the Competition.


The U.S. Supreme Court on Jan. 18th, 2017, Blocked a Lower Court's Order for North Carolina to Rework its Congressional Map because Republicans Violated the Constitution by drawing Electoral Districts intended to maximize their Party's chances of Winning. The Conservative-Majority Court granted a Bid by Republican Legislators in North Carolina to suspend the Jan. 9th Order by a Federal Court Panel in Greensboro that gave the Republican-controlled General Assembly until Jan. 24th to come up with a New Map for U.S. House of Representatives Districts. Two Liberal Justices, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor, objected to the High Court's action. The Supreme Court's Decision to Stay the Order reduces the chance that the current District Lines will be altered ahead of the November Mid-Term Congressional Elections.

CLICK HERE to make your contribution to the Common Cause v. Rucho Emergency Fund today, and help ensure that Fair Representation is the Law of the Land.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
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