Thursday, January 25, 2018

AZ Wants to Close Its Primaries

The Republican-controlled Arizona Legislature will consider a Constitutional Amendment that would Close all Statewide Primary Elections to Party Members only.

HCR 2014, introduced by Republican State Representatives: Brenda Barton (6th District); Drew John (14th District); Jay Lawrence (23rd District); Becky Nutt (14th District); and Kevin Payne (21st District).

Arizona currently uses Semi-Closed Primary Elections, where Voters not affiliated with a Political Party can Vote in the Partisan Primary of their choice. Registered Members of a Recognized Political Party can only Vote in their Party’s Primary.

Under HCR 2014:

“For any political party qualified for representation on the ballot, only persons who are members of that political party may vote in that political party’s primary elections. Any person who is registered as no party preference or independent as the party preference or who is registered with a political party that is not qualified for representation on the ballot may NOT vote in the primary election of any one of the political parties that is qualified for the ballot.”

If this Constitutional Amendment is Implemented, the Largest Voting Bloc in Arizona, Independent Voters, would lose their Right to Vote in Publicly-Funded and Administered Primary Elections. There are 1.3 Million Registered Independents in Arizona.

“The Republicans openly stated they changed the ballot access laws in 2015 to prevent Libertarians and Independents from appearing on the ballot,” says Kevin McCormick, Libertarian Candidate for Governor.

McCormick is a part of a Lawsuit Challenging the New Ballot Access Rules. The Lawsuit is currently in the Appeals process.

He added, “After stopping third party and independents from appearing on the ballot, the established parties passed multiple laws to prevent voter ballot initiatives and now they are trying to silence independent voters.”

This Story is getting very little coverage in Arizona right now.

So Arizona Voters need to make their Voices heard.

CLICK HERE to read the two page HCR 2014.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
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