Saturday, December 9, 2017

Supreme Court Blocks DACA Discovery Orders for Now

Tonight a divided Supreme Court put On Hold a set of Lower Court Orders that would require the Federal Government to turn over additional Documents related to the Trump Administration’s decision to End the Policy known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), a Obama Administration program that allowed Undocumented Immigrants who came to the United States as Children to Apply for Protection from Deportation and Work Permits. The DACA Status and Work Permits were required to be renewed periodically.

In Litigation challenging the Decision to terminate DACA, a Federal District Court ruled that the Government should submit Documents beyond those that it turned over during Discovery, including Documents from the White House, the Department of Justice, and the Department of Homeland Security.

The District Court later instructed the Government to “be ready to file” a Complete set of Documents by December 22nd. Last week the Government asked the Justices to step in, and they did so, at least for now. In a Brief, unsigned Order, the Supreme Court indicated that the District Court’s Orders, at least “to the extent they require discovery and addition to the administrative record filed by the government,” would be Stayed until the Justices can Act on the Government’s Petition challenging the Orders.

Justice Stephen Breyer Dissented from tonight’s Order. He was joined by Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan. Breyer wrote that the Relief that the Government is Requesting is “’a drastic and extraordinary’ remedy ‘reserved for really extraordinary causes’” – but this case doesn’t even “come close.”

The Supreme Court’s Cases, as well as those of the Lower Courts, Breyer argued, point to the Conclusion that what the District Court has asked the Government to do falls squarely within its Powers. Breyer had no sympathy for the Government’s Complaint that complying with the Orders will prove Burdensome. The “underlying agency action here is important,” he stressed, and the Number of Documents at issue in the Case is “by no means … unusually large.” More broadly, he suggested, today’s Ruling means that the Court will likely be asked to step into “run-of-the-mill discovery disputes in many other matters”, whether the Federal Government is involved or not.

The DACA Challengers’ response to the Government’s Petition is due on Wednesday, December 13th, by 4 p.m. The justices are likely to act quickly once the Briefing is finished.

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