Tuesday, December 5, 2017

C40 Cities Bloomberg 2017 Philanthropies Awards

The C40 Cities Bloomberg Philanthropies Awards are granted Annually in Five Categories and provide Global Recognition for Cities that are demonstrating Climate Action Leadership.

Throughout the world, Mayors deliver important, impactful, and innovative Policies and Programs that Reduce Carbon Pollution and improve Resilience. Since 2013, C40 has recognized more than 40 of the World’s Boldest projects, highlighting the Critical Role Cities play as a leading force for Climate Action.

Given the increasingly important role Cities must play in driving Climate Action in the United States, the C40 Cities Bloomberg Philanthropies Awards 2017 will have a Special Focus on the Leadership of U.S. Cities on the Global stage. Each Category will have a Winner from an American City and a City from the Rest of the World.






The Winners will be announced in Chicago on December 5th at the North American Climate Summit.

CLICK HERE to find out who the Finalist are.

CLICK HERE to find out who the Winners are.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
Digg! StumbleUpon

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