Sunday, November 26, 2017

RCV in Cities and States in 2017

State Legislatures

Among the 20 States that had Ranked-Choice Voting (RCV) Bills or Held Hearings in 2017 include:

Alaska - House Passed a Pro-RCV Bill.





Utah - House of Representatives Passed RCV, with Bipartisan Support, and a New Bill will move in 2018

Movement in States

States across the Country are making big strides. Activists from 20 States attended an Organizing Summit like: Alaska, California, Florida, Massachusetts, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Virginia, and Washington.

Maine's drive to Implement its Win for RCV has faced Challenges, but FairVote endorsed the People's Veto Referendum, and will continue to Support Maine Allies in the First use of RCV in June 2018.Movement in Cities:

Movement in Cities

Look for many Cities and States to advance RCV in 2018. There are chances to win RCV in Albuquerque (NM), Amherst (MA), Denver (CO), New York City (NY), St. Louis (MO), and Seattle (WA). There is a potential win for the Fair Representation Form of RCV in two California Cities.

Cities with a Total Population over 800,000 used RCV in 2017, and All experienced better Campaigns and Surges in Voter Turnout, and Four more Cities will use RCV in 2018.

The Fair Representation Act

FairVote calls for Reforming the House of Representatives by instituting RCV in Multi-Winner districts to Replace the Winner-Take-All system. Working with Rep. Don Beyer (D, VA-8th District) and several Co-Sponsors to develop the Act, which was introduced in Congress on June 26th. HR 3057 is the Comprehensive Approach to Reforming Congressional Elections.

CLICK HERE for more information about FairVote.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
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