Political and Social Activism is Surging in America. Protest Groups are springing up across the Country. Concerned Citizens are marching in the Streets to support Science, Women's Rights, Justice and Immigration. Congressional Offices are flooded with Calls from Constituents. And much of the Renewed Political and Social Activity is being carried out by High School Students, many of them committed and informed Activists, yet still too Young to Vote.
It is time to give those Students a Voice in Government.
That’s the Goal of the New York Young Voter Act, a Bill, that Eli Frankel, 16, the Founder and Chair of the Youth Progressive Policy Group is pushing with the Support of Assemblyman Robert Carroll (D–44th District) and State Sen. Brad Hoylman (D–27th District). The Bill, A.6839/S.5646, would Lower the Voting Age in New York State to 17 in all Local and Statewide Elections. It would also Improve the High School Curriculum by bolstering Civic Education with lessons on the History and Meaning of the Constitution, plus more intense focus on "Genocide, Slavery, the Holocaust, and the Mass Starvation in Ireland," according to the Bill. As a practical matter, the Bill would also provide all High School Students with the Opportunity to Register in their Classrooms so they’re Eligible in Time for the Next Election Day.
Opponents may contend that 17 year olds are not Emotionally or Intellectually ready for the responsibility of Voting. But American 17 year olds already shoulder many of the Responsibilities of Adulthood: They can join the Military with Parental Consent, they can drop out of High School and Work to support themselves and their Families, 80% of American High School Students will hold Jobs and Pay Taxes before they Graduate, and they can Drive a Motor Vehicle, one of their most Dangerous Responsibilities. Still, these 17 year olds are left with No Say in Public Affairs; they have No Say in how their Tax Dollars are Spent, how their Public Schools are Run, how the Criminal Justice System is Administered, and how Legislators set their Agendas.
Beyond enshrining the Adult Responsibilities and Maturity of most 17 year olds, setting the Voting Age at 17 would Expand and Improve dismally Low Levels of Democratic participation and Civic Engagement. In Austria, Brazil, Argentina, Scotland, and one Maryland City, Civic Engagement soared when Lawmakers lowered the Voting Age to 16.
In the United States, 17 year olds are granted the Right to Vote or Caucus in Presidential Primaries in 21 States and the District of Columbia. In Takoma Park, Md., turnout among newly Eligible 17-year-old Voters was almost double that of the Total Electorate in November, 2013. And Higher Participation Rates will persist because the Act of Voting is habit-forming; studies show that one of the biggest predictors of whether a Voter will Cast a Ballot is simply whether that Voter has done so before. So by simply Lowering the Voting Age one year we can foster a whole New Generation of Active and Engaged Voters with healthy Voting Habits to last them a lifetime.
NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
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