The American People are sick and tired of the Corruption they are seeing in Congress. It is time that we impose Term Limits on them to help clean up the Dysfunction in Washington D.C.
Time is running out for States to Join with other States around the Country to File the Article V Application to Propose a Congressional Term Limits Amendment.
It is urgent that We help to find State Legislators willing to File the Application, called a Resolution, preferably a Sponsor in the Senate and a Sponsor in the House.
Do you know any Legislators that would be willing to File?
Will you Call, Text, Email them right now and ask them to Step Up and allow the Voice of the People in your State to be Heard by introducing the Article V Application?
Contact your State Legislator or any Legislator you know and ask them if they would consider Sponsoring the U.S. Term Limits Article V Application, called a Resolution.
CLICK HERE to view the Model Article V Convention Application to send them.
If your State Legislators are willing to be a Sponsor, please call or email their Contact information and will Contact them immediately to answer any questions and provide them the Resolution Language. Email kquinn@termlimits.com or Phone (207) 713-8700. Thank you in advance for your assistance in this urgent matter!
MORE CHOICE AT THE BALLOT BOX: America faces an Epidemic of Lopsided Elections dominated by Incumbents. Term Limits break up that Monopoly by Ending Incumbent Advantage and allow for New Faces in Open-Seat Races.
MORE EXPERIENCED LEADERS: Term limits Increases the real-world experience of a Legislature by providing People from all walks of life an Opportunity to serve in Elected Office.
FEWER CAREER POLITICIANS: Term limits produce Leaders who are Closer to their Constituents, because their Limited Time in Office ensures a Compulsory return Home, where they too must Live under the Laws they’ve Enacted.
LESS CORRUPTION: Term Limits sever Lobbyists’ and Bureaucrat’s Ties with Politicians and Jam the Revolving Door by making Ex-Lawmakers less Valuable. In doing so, it Safeguards Public Service from those who seek to Exploit it for Personal Gain.
RESTORE POLITICAL COURAGE: Under the Status Quo, Congress avoids an Issue, such as Reducing the Trillion(s) Debt, that might threaten their Job-for-Life. Term-Limited Lawmakers know they’ve been sent to do a Job, and won’t Shrink under Pressure.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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