Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Let the People Pick the President

Kiersten Essenpreis

The New York Times Editorial Board strongly pushes for National Popular Vote to End-Run the Electoral College.

The Winners of Tuesday’s Elections, Republican or Democrat, for Governor, Mayor, or Dogcatcher, all have one thing in Common, They received more Votes than their Opponent.

That seems like a pretty fair way to run an Electoral Race, which is why every Election in America uses it, except the most important one of all.

Was it just a year ago that more than 136 Million Americans cast their Ballots for President, choosing Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump by nearly Three Million Votes, only to be thwarted by a 200-year-old Constitutional Anachronism designed in part to appease Slaveholders and Ratified when no one but White Male Landowners could Vote?

It feels more like, oh, 17 years, the last time, incidentally, that the American People chose One Candidate for President and the Electoral College Imposed the other.

CLICK HERE to read the Editorial Opinion.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
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