Jared Kushner, President Trump’s Son-in-Law and Senior Adviser, made so many Omissions on his Security Clearance Forms Submitted that the Governmental Body responsible for Reviewing them is incredulous. “I have never seen that level of mistakes,” Charles Phalen, the Director of the National Background Investigations Bureau, told a House Subcommittee Hearing on Wednesday.
Kushner made over 100 Errors and Omissions on his Disclosure Forms, Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D, IL-8th District) said. The initial SF-86 Form Kushner Submitted left out about 100 Contacts with Foreigner Nationals, including his June 2016 Meeting he and Donald Trump Jr. had with Kremlin-linked Lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya. He had to update it twice. He also Omitted Ownership of a Real Estate Tech Business, which enabled him to “enrich himself” in the meantime while the Company raised Millions of Dollars, Rep. Ted Lieu (D, CA-33rd District) said in the Hearing.
Kushner’s Attorney Jamie Gorelick said Thursday in a Statement that the Omissions were the Result of an Administrative Error. When Kushner realized the Mistake, Gorelick said, he “submitted supplemental information stating that he had had ‘numerous contacts with foreign officials’ about which he would be happy to provide additional information.”
Some Members of Congress lobbied to Revoke Kushner’s Security Clearance, especially after the Meeting with Veselnitskaya came to Light. Republicans Blocked the effort in July.
The first problem is, that Administrative Error happened Multiple times. The other problem is, each time he notified
he was amending his SF-86, you usually have your Security Clearance Suspended while the Changes are being Reviewed, but that did not happen.

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