Tuesday, September 5, 2017

NY Says They'll Sue to Protect Dreamers

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Attorney General Eric Schneiderman released a Joint Statement saying they will Sue to Protect those who are Currently under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Policy.

The Trump Administration ended the Obama-era Program, with a Delay, today, which Grants Work Permits to Undocumented Immigrants who Arrived in the Country as Young Children. The Six Month Delay would give Congress time to Act if it wants to Retain or Change the Program.

"The president's action would upend the lives of hundreds of thousands of young people who have only ever called America their home, including roughly 42,000 New Yorkers," Cuomo said in the statement. "It will rip families apart, sow havoc in our communities and force innocent people—our neighbors, our friends, and our relatives—to live in fear."

The U.S. Total is over 800,000 children In and Passed through the Program. They pay Taxes, Start Companies, own Homes, and take part in our GDP, not reduce it, which will happen if they are Deported, for some, from the only Country they know.

Cuomo said that New York was the First in the U.S. to start a Liberty Defense Project that seeks to Ensure Immigrants have Access to Legal Representation, regardless of their Status. "Dreamers are Americans in every way. They played by the rules. They pay their taxes. And they've earned the right to stay in the only home they have ever known," Schneiderman said in the statement. "More than 40,000 New Yorkers are protected under DACA. They pay more than $140 million in state and local taxes. They are vital members of our community."

Schneiderman continued, "The poem at the base of the Statue of Liberty — written by the descendant of early Jewish immigrants — promises this nation will 'lift its lamp' for the huddled masses. New York will never break that promise. And neither will my office."

With all the Issues Congress has on their plate, they should take the wording of the Executive Order and convert it into a DACA Bill. Vote and put it on the President's desk. Then next year, make the modifications, and cover Republican Congress and Senate Candidates in the 2018 Primaries. There also is Dream Act of 2017.

CLICK HERE to read the four page (pdf) Dream Act of 2017. This Bill was spearheaded by Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Democratic Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
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